Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What would you do?

I usually would wait to post again until Hump Day but I am totally obsessed with this Ike Turner version 2009 ish that is going down. Especially since the market is totally pooping the bed today...I need a distraction. I was glad to see I was wrong and stocks rallied on Friday after that ugly unemployment number...but I thought investors wanted to see the stimulus package passed??? Bad economic figures and the market goes up. Good legislative progress and the market is down. I'm throwing away all my econ textbooks. This bear market is so scary.

But back to the topic at hand. Chris Brown is so over. Like, I don't even think he's cute anymore after how he did my girl RiRi. Messing up her face so bad she had to cancel a party over a week from now! He knows her face is money so he was being vindictive because a lotta times when a dude wails on you goes with the body shots so no one will know. He was trying to ruin her life. I heard a rumor it was over cooties but if that's true he got the cooties AND no career. And his groupie quality is going to seriously deteriorate so he'll have a hard time rebounding. On the other hand RiRi's career is going to get a serious sympathy bounce. And if Paris Hilton can still pull em she certainly won't be slowed down by any health concerns given her status. He's not only a degenerate for hitting her, he's an idiot. What a tool!

I'd like to think if a dude put his had on me both of us would end up in jail for assault but perhaps I'd just cover my face and cry and be like, "oowww please stop!". Like maybe I'd be scared and totally punk out and forget I went to public school and have been threatened with a knife before. (Actually I never saw the knife but this crazy chic named Scarlet yelled at me out the school bus window when I was getting off at my stop one day with these bright pink earmuffs on, "Girl in the earmuffs, girl in the earmuffs, I'ma eff you up." I was totally scared cuz she was Puerto Rican meaning she CLEARLY had a knife. Plus I hadn't provoked her which is even scarier. It never happened tho.)

Anyway back again to the subject at hand...what would you do ladies and gents? If your super fine girlfriend burned you with a nasty one would you wail on her and try to mess up her face? Ladies if your man wailed on you because you cheated on him, would you take it and cry or stab him in the eye with your car keys? And afterwards would you nail him in court? Or would you refuse to testify? And PUHLEEZE don't say you'd take him back. Would you believe, one of my guy friends' reaction to this event was, "Yeah he can't ever take her back". AS IF she would want his douchebag behind. Ok, so...chime in on this one in the comments section. Inquiring minds want to know.


  1. WOW! This news if off the chain! CB used to be my boy but.... I mean, sometimes chicks will push you to the edge and act like they want to get hit (but they dont). My advice for CB, when it gets to that you shake the ish outta her! Like for real!

    Now you done caught a case and everyone knows what you got!

    Oh and Black Swan, LOL @ "she was Puerto Rican so she CLEARLY had a knife."

    I guess if she was black she would have had a gun in one hand and a baby in the other!:)

  2. wow....."shake the ish outta her?" *shaking my damn head* u DO realize that that is still abuse, right?

    i heard that the only reason why bossip first suggested that she may have given him herpes is because someone allegedly saw her with a cold sore on her lips like a week prior.

    but everything i have read since then indicates that the fight started due to his infidelity and opening accepting calls/texts from the alleged other woman. rihanna starts illin' on him, he stops the car, she throws the keys out into the dark which enrages his further, and the beating ensues.

    what a waste of good looks. i hope he has fun dodging the big boys in jail.

  3. I fully fall in the cover my head and "please don't hurt me" category. Followed by pressing charges, suing to cover my psych and plastic surgery bills, and a book deal.

    However - I think this whole situation illuminates the fact that people don't take dating violence all that seriously. Did you knee-cap they guy who gave you mono in college? Shake the "ish outta her" isn't abusive? Radio stations playing the Umbrella duet cause it's funny? WTF?

    It's actually really sad. Chris Brown's mom was abused and here he is repeating the cycle. This is why the work organizations like Peace Over Violence (www.peaceoverviolence.org) do is so important. It takes a lot of time and effort to get people to realize that violence should not ever be consider a normal part of a relationship.

  4. The commentary from people I know about this issue has me increasingly disturbed especially as there is a clear color/class divide in how people look at it. Woman have said to me "Some women just need to get they ass beat." That is just heartbreaking. People of color and poor people should stop accepting violence against women and children as a way to modify their behavior and communicate. And I really hope Rihanna comes out with the truth about their relationship which looks more and more like it had an escalating pattern of violence.
