Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Waste of Fine

Maybe you know, or maybe you don't know...the term "yellow wasted". It is a quote specifically from Daughters of the Dust (a film by Julie Dash, 1991), spoken by the character Viola Peazant in reference to a light skinned woman who didn't quite look European. Meaning, a waste of light skin on black features. This term has history, and it's foul, but beyond the scope of this post, mostly. Kinda.

Daughters of the Dust film still 
Well now like I said, color isn't the subject of this post per se. It is about a man who happens to be light skinned and who also happens (really, happened...more explanation on the tense change later) to be good looking. But his fineness is wasted on his inferior personality; he is utterly bereft of empathy and social skills. Let's call him...Boris. No offense to the real Boris and btw your wife was brilliant in Streetcar.

So, I met Boris a little over four years ago in Manhattan at one of those "all black people who can read are here" parties. Actually it wasn't quite that crowded but that was the concept. He stepped to me quite definitively and got the digits, and we went out a few times. He was technically quite proficient with dating, because he's a systematic and meticulous fellow. But, there was no art. I mean just a lot of dumb comments about my skin color, one of his favorite obsessions being a light skinned man and all. I got the feeling he thought he was doing me a favor since he repeatedly reminded me none of his friends likes dark women. 

Girl something about those gold teeth is so sexy!
It fizzled but with no drama so eventually, like maybe a year give or take later, we went out again, several times. This time, a little more in earnest. But just a little. At least on my part because I was definitely evaluating the relationship potential more seriously. After all, it was a remix so attention had to be paid. And also like a remix, probably a bad idea.

Every year Boris has this ginormous event at his house and say three years ago I rolled through with a large crew of my girls. Because, being the pig that he is, he is on that "bring lots of girls" tip. Now, at the time we were dating or something like that. Maybe dating overstates it. We were in a period where we went on many dates in a row, with regularity, over a period of a few months. So I erroneously thought this may bring me some sort of "status" if you will, at the party. I wasn't expecting to be frying up the chicken on Sunday while he and his boys was watchin the game but when there was a line at grill I asked him if he would get one of my girls a hamburger (I was and still am, a vegetarian) he pointed and said, "there's the line". 

I'll make you a hamburger betta than McDonald's!
Hold. The. Phone. I thought I would at least get a burger without a wait. Is that a lot to ask? Just sayin'.

Ok so, next, I observed him very openly flirting with many many of the very pressed chicken heads at the party. Pressed because he's a Black Person Who Can Read/BPWCR (plus has no babies and no record) and has a lot of accoutrements associated with that. Plus there is the resemblance to Boris Kodjoe. So, you can see where this is going...

But I'm a light skinned pig so that makes it ok.
My crew and I decided that this treatment was unacceptably rude to and beneath me as a woman of class, culture and such and forth, so we bounced. Somehow we ended up on the LES and had a rager of a night that culminated in me receiving some bizarre texts that my friends inform me were from a cute South American tourist or something or other...and even an injury! It was a fun night I'm told. Maybe not so classy tho...

How cute is she?

Ok I don't look anything like that but my knees did. Plus this is a multicultural blog anyway.

Back to Boris. I subsequently sent him an email, almost 3 years ago to the day. I'm not trippin, I only remember this date because I looked it up in gmail and I never clean out my box, so it's still sitting there in "Sent Items":
After several months of dating there appears to me to be little chance of any mutually fulfilling intimacy developing between us. I have really tried and am somewhat disappointed to come to this conclusion but I can't ignore clear signals indefinitely. I wish you luck finding someone you think is worthy of your affection, attention and kindness.
He honestly seemed impressed that I dumped him over email and wasn't a jerk about it right that second. He might have even squeezed out something like, "you're a great girl". What? No "even though you're dark skinned"??? We went our merry ways and I proceeded to then date a monkey, followed shortly thereafter by a sadist. Because I have very bad taste in men sometimes. But great taste in shoes! So it all balances out. Anyway all of that about the monkey and the sadist may be too personal to disclose here. Suffice it to say that Boris and I never had any drama because neither of us cared enough to, and we kept in touch kinda loosely because we are both BPWCR and know everybody in common and such and so forth.

In my bedroom...I have a brass...waterbed...
As I reflected recently on my departure from the Big Apple and the guest list for my going away, I reached out to invite him. Because I'm a masochist (see above reference to dating a sadist). And he came and ate some chicken and otherwise had nothing nice to say. Meaning, "you look thinner/better". Whhhaaattt? Go away. 

To reinforce the concept of why one should let sleeping dogs lie, I made the mistake of friending Boris on FB somewhere along the way. Earlier this week I posted something about trying to get back into was a very tv focused winter/spring in Manhattan for me. As my status update I put up my workout summary, admittedly kind of embarrassing but there is a whole thread to it, a narrative if you will. Anyway I wrote "baby steps". To which he replied, "premature baby steps maybe". To which I replied...on my wall, "Boris don't be an asshole." And tagged his a** so that every other BPWCR who knows us in common could see it. He was offended, got his panties in a bunch, and un-friended me on the spot. After all his comments about my skin color, weight, and not giving me no hamburger!? The nerve.

He got the wrong one. BLOCK this person, is how it is done on FB. And then, I'm putting you on blast over here but with a nice alias so you can pretend that you're the hotness and be flattered I took the time.

To all you Borises out there who don't know when to shut the hell up or perhaps have an undiagnosed relational disorder, keep your opinions to yourself and/or see a shrink or life coach. I don't care how fine you think you are or how much money you have: ugly on the inside = ugly on the outside.

What a waste of good looks.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Ish that pisses me off

Betcha thought that when I moved to Miami it would be all sunshine and roses, huh? Well, it's too damn hot in Florida for roses.

Disclaimer: I am going on day 30something without my TV and my ice maker doesn't work. Anyone who knows me well understands this is a lethal combination. I'm on the warpath and good luck to whoever gets in my way.

Ok...what pisses me off???

1) Moving companies. When the moving company says it's going to take 3 hours to move you out of your 535 square foot one bedroom apartment that's already been purged/plucked clean like Pamela Anderson's eyebrows, don't believe them. It'll take 4 1/2 even though they already came over and saw all your stuff and did an estimate and know exactly how long it should take. Not saying they wasted a single moment, but then again, they were an hour late getting started. Which brings me to my next pet peeve...

2) Airline gate and baggage agents. Perhaps I did show up 35 minutes before my flight with five suitcases but you could have a) let me on the flight anyway with the bags and/or b) not charged me $350 in excess baggage fees. It wasn't my fault! (see #1). Hook a sistah up! Delta Airlines, you're on thin ice boo, especially since you have no direct flights anywhere from Miami except for NYC.

3) Car rental companies. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, act like you're giving me a free upgrade and flirt with me with your short self and crooked little teeth then stick me with the rental that smells like hot wet piss at 1am when I'm too tired to go back in there and fuss. DO NOT.'s lights out for you.

4) LA drivers. Do people in Los Angeles not see the lines in the road indicating the division between lanes? Just curious.

5) Airline gate agents. Again you power hungry little minions, don't get an attitude that I missed my flight due to a tight connection and mother nature calling! At least be compassionate and don't roll your eyes and yell at me like it's my fault. And then, don't put me in a hotel with ROACHES named RODNEY who are friendly and want to hang out on the nightstand and talk all night. Boo hiss. Delta Airlines, see above. But thank you for not losing my bags.

6) Miami realtors. If the apartment has carpet say so. Don't waste my time. And who puts carpet in a new apartment in Miami anyway? Ya cheap bastard...even Don Bailey focuses on Wood. Laminate. Tile.

7) Mosquitoes. Do I have "BITE ME" written on my legs? I just may die of West Nile Virus.

I feel like a fairy in Bontemps.

8) "Contractors". Some short cocky obnoxious and totally 100% inappropriate jack leg buster responsible for painting my apartment and doing minor repairs took a leisurely five days extra to do so because he's so busy finishing build-outs at The Marquis blah blah blah (guess I'm supposed to be impressed), causing me a huge pain in the arse and lots of extra gas money (not a game at $4/gallon) while depriving me of the use of my apartment for several days after my lease had already started.

What's with me coming home at 6pm to find you chillin' playing music on my Bose speakers talking about "I hope you don't mind". No I don't care to hear your opinion about what I should or should not throw away, my perfume, my outfit, how high my heels are, or anything else. Wait, are we going out all of a sudden? Wait, did I say it was ok for you to chill in my apartment? Wait, did I ask you what the f*ck you think? Wait, do I want you at all or do I just want my apartment painted and my curtains hung and I'm being polite because you have a key? Oh and you didn't manage to get that lock changed or that other thing taken care of huh? Are my curtains hung yet? NOPE. How many visits does it require you to just caulk the damn baseboard? Every day, really? Uh...yeah. Beat it. Keep the key btw, it doesn't work anymore.

9) Moving companies. Of course, my contract says you have 12 days to deliver from the start of my lease. Of course, I agreed to this. But now you have my stuff, and you're charging me how much extra ($400) to deliver it 8 days after you're ready even though that's still less than 30 days of storage that is "included" but oh....that's only included in places where you have your own storage facility, which isn't Florida, got it. So I have to pay more for you to come when my building has an available moving in slot, after I told you a half dozen times I needed more notice than four days? And you have an attitude because I didn't pay $25k for a point to point delivery? Yes, I understand, you snotty little beeyatch.

For future reference don't use Oz Moving for a move outside of NYC. They have a scathing Yelp review coming to them after my stuff arrives. I should have known better. I really should be angry with myself for such a rookie move.

Wait, did I say moving companies already? My TV arrives in a short nine days. And I only have to pay an extra $400 to get it. Did it even cost that much?

10) North Shore Miami Beach Library. Whycome the librarian is the loudest person in the building? And why can't they build a new door when the library is closed (half the time)? And why on earth do they charge $100 for a library card? They don't got no damn books!

Ah man, it's good to be back in Miami. Stay tuned for an update on my first OKCupid excursion down at the bottom. No helicopter but it was still pretty trippy.