Monday, April 13, 2009

It's That Time of Year Again!

See below for the Sophie's Choice facing me in the next 48 hours, since I've recently (today) decided to fire my accountant. He's slow and lives way out in an outer borough requiring FedEx back and forth and such, and for 2008 things just weren't that complicated. Dealing with him, nice man that he is, is torture. Really. Plus he always calls me from a blocked number which I think is shady. Like...are you calling me from jail?

This? or...

Form 4868. I know it well.

I really should just do it myself, tonight, since I didn't book any losses or gains in the stock market or buy or sell property. I left everything (let's call it nothing) in my 401k alone. Sitting right where it was, pitiful and skinny and neglected and lonely. My poor little itty bitty 401k. It is just so beat up! :-(

My 401k.

Then there was the employment situation which was mostly the same...meaning no multiple jobs. I mean, there was a bit of a corporate shift but it was pretty seamless administratively speaking and the papers are in order on that.

The only complicated part is my charitable donations. Gotta make sure I got all my papers are straight...which is the true reason behind my procrastination. Although, I would have found another reason if I didn't have this one. I regularly give tons of unworn and gently worn stuff to the Salvation Army (because the donation center is seriously close to my place) which even with their stringent criteria should make a dent in my tax bill. I'm also a member of NPR and some other ish...this is Manhattan after all and it's all about being on boards and committees etc. Plus there is what I have given to my alma mater and the various other things along the way last year. Honestly it's a bit out of control so perhaps 2009 will be a leaner year for all of that.

Fingers crossed I don't pass out from exhaustion when I get home (last night was not a good sleep as Sunday never is) and I get around to one or the other so Uncle Sam won't come knocking on my door. Fingers crossed harder that my W4s are all straight and I have been having the right amount deducted. Don't want any ugly surprises!

Have YOU done your taxes yet?

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...I didn't get this post emailed to me. Am I still on subscribed?
